The Georgia Guidestones were destroyed the other day. We went up to Elberton a year or so ago, just to see them, and now they’re gone. The Destruction of the Georgia Guidestones, violently, is disturbing on a number of levels. But it adds to the mystery, and the story. We’re currently following the Georgia Guidestones Investigation

Back Story
Here’s our blog post from a year ago, when we went up to explore this interesting site. We do Backroad Travel all the time, to seek out places like this.
At the moment we will let you get into the detail of this place, including its mysterious origin. There are several theories as to why the lunatic fringe was afraid of it. There are a lot of links below with more of the story since, because a lot has come out.
Current Situation
It’s gone back to being a cow pasture at the present time. Well, actually, it is a crime scene now, because of the potential for mischief.
According to the story from the AJC there is some sentiment toward rebuilding it, because it was attracting 20,000 tourists per year to a place where there was not a lot else going on. There is also some sentiment toward doing nothing, until the situation settles down. There have been a variety of threats over the past few months.
Some fraction of the local population did not welcome the attention. People have their reasons.
The video is linked below.
The Investigation
The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is on the case and naturally is being tight lipped about the whole thing, because of security.
Keep in mind a few things: First of all in order to cause that powerful of an explosion, you need something bigger than fireworks.
That being the case, because there are a lot of rock quarries in the area, no problem to find the right stuff.
The ATF has the authority to go into any of those places, and demand an accounting of any missing or un-accounted for materials. There are regulations intended just for this sort of event. They already have their list of people with access and inventory records. They’re required by federal law to track it, because of the potential for abuse.
What that means is that whoever did it probably knew what they were doing. Using cellphone records, and other records that we are not aware of, it is likely that they already know who did it.
Speaking of which, do you want to drive up to a stop sign behind someone in a silver sedan who has something very dangerous in the back of it? Us neither.
What that also says is that in all probability, whoever did it is fairly local, and knew what they were doing. Nobody who knew how dangerous that stuff was would drive across the country with it in the trunk.

The Time Capsule
The local authorities were in a big hurry to bring in some heavy equipment, knock the rest of it down and haul it off, and probably for good reason.
According to our recent visit, there was supposed to be a time capsule buried nearby. We pointed out that there was no date on the slab as to when to open it.
According to one of the reports below, the area was probed by a backhoe and nothing was actually found. This also adds to the mystery.

The Georgia Guidestones were Destroyed. Now what?
First of all, it’s a lot easier to destroy a monument than it is to build it. That’s why the noses are knocked off on all of those Roman statues. The people that do the vandalism have their reasons, one of which is that they don’t understand or appreciate human effort.
They also very often have some sort of bone to pick with the builders. This is nothing new, over the course of history.
The messages? Well, they live on. Ironically. An argument can be made, for those that hated the messages, that they’re now much more famous than they otherwise would have been. They’ve hit the media, and have been broadcast around the world. If the mission was to silence them, it was not well thought out.
Can you think of someone who was killed violently whose ideas went on to become all the more famous? That makes it even more ironic.

Current Investigation Status
The most recent news on the investigation is that the GBI is still looking. They’re following leads from the conspiracy community, as determined by the locals.
There is a reference below.
Thought question: in whose interest is it to destroy the guidestones, and who among these entities have access to explosives?
We still think they already know who did it.
As to the rebuilding? Anybody with deep enough pockets in the first place to build them also had the brains to insure them. We will see.
There will be more to this story. The Georgia Guidestones Investigation will continue. Or not.
Links and References
Dynamite Handler License
Regulations for transporting dynamite
Dynamite inventory requirements
August Update